"What hurts you, blesses you.
Darkness is your candle."
Trauma Recovery, Embodiment and
Sensory Recalibration
Somatics refers to working with the body to process content that is becoming overwhelming or you would like a new relationship to.
There are parts of all our management systems that reveal where we are hurt or territories of experience we are attempting to avoid. These are the same places that tend to undermine our ultimate happiness and sense of connection in the world.
By observing and working with patterns around our experiences we can identify where our adaptations are, create more safety and understanding and free up new parts of ourselves to express, connect and get our needs met.
We are meaning makers, and we perceive through our senses. As such, this work offers vital building blocks to re-negotiating perception & re-narrating our personal experiences through our bodies.
Valuing Self
Setting boundaries
Personal Expression
Challenges with Intimacy
Consistent Overwhelm
Lack of personal fulfilment
To be witnessed and supported
To get a better range of personal tools
To transform addictive or negative patterns
If you experience paralysis of Choice
Difficulty Finding Community
Introjected Thoughts and Worry
Confusion about Life Path
Enhancing Joy
Expanding your sense of self
Rate: 130$/hr Sessions 1-3 hours in duration